Friday, September 23, 2011

Rain Rain Rain Makes for a Productive Me Me Me

It's pouring the rain today and I'm loving it. I've got a bum knee, strained calf and nerve entrapment of the right quad. Joy! Oh, but it is. I awoke after another 9 hours of rest to the pounding of rain on my window. It was wonderful, the intensity ebbs and flows and I find it purely meditative creating and great work environment.

I only had to do 10 push ups yesterday for saying the secret word. And, the day before I was tricked and ended up doing an extra 30. Needless to say, I keep quiet, a rather difficult task.

All morning I've been working on speaking and book ideas and with the help of Dan Kennedy, feel like I'm actually getting somewhere.

I didn't train this morning and I am hesitant to blast my leg tomorrow with a double session but we'll see. I miss Gi training immensely and Olympic weightlifting.

Right now I'm just taking advantage of this creative flow and isolating myself in my room. It feels great to be so productive, I'm quite happy and actually don't miss training for a couple days.

I'm eager to get back home and start working on my James Malinchak coaching set that arrived a few days ago. I almost wish my boyfriend hadn't told me it was there! I also miss cooking late night snacks for my sweetie and I'm looking forward to my next concoction.

Okay, back to work, gotta get some cooking ideas going as well.

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